No Rules Rules Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention

Erin Meyer and Reed Hastings


  1. Build up talent density
  2. Increase candor
  3. Reduce control. Lead with context, not control. “Freedom and responsibility”

First build up talent density

For top performers, a great workplace isn’t about a lavish office, a beautiful gym, or a free sushi lunch. It’s about the joy of being surrounded by people who are both talented and collaborative. People who can help you be better. When every member is excellent, performance spirals upward as employees learn from and motivate one another.

Your number one goal as a leader is to develop a work environment consisting exclusively of stunning colleagues.

Then increase a candor

Say what you really think with positive intent.
Cultivate feedback loop.
Your behaviour while you’re getting the feedback is a critical factor.

Giving a Feedback

  1. Aim to assist. Must be positive intent.
  2. Actionable. Focus on what recipient can do.

Receiving feedback

  1. Appreciate. Try to listen, not to defence.
  2. Accept or discard. You are required to listen and consider all feedback provided. You are not required to follow it.


  • With candor, high performers become outstanding performers. Frequent candid feedback exponentially magnifies the speed and effectiveness of your team or workforce.
  • Set the stage for candor by building feedback moments into your regular meetings.
  • Coach your employees to give and receive feedback effectively, following the 4A guidelines.
  • As the leader, solicit feedback frequently and respond with belonging cues when you receive it.
  • Get rid of jerks as you instill a culture of candor.

Now begin removing controls

“What we say as leaders is only half the equation,” Greg explains. “Our employees are also looking at what we do.

He just modeled the behavior and communicated expectations.

“Lead with context, not control”

Continue removing controls

Fortify talent density

Pay top of the market

When recruiters call, ask “how much?”


Divide your workforce into creative and operational employees. Pay the creative workers top of market. This may mean hiring one exceptional individual instead of ten or more adequate people. Don’t pay performance-based bonuses. Put these resources into salary instead.

Pump up candor

Share even possible organisation restructure

If you have the best employees on the market and you’ve instituted a culture of open feedback, opening up company secrets increases feelings of ownership and commitment among staff. If you trust your people to handle appropriately sensitive information, the trust you demonstrate will instigate feelings of responsibility and your employees will show you just how trustworthy they are.


  • When transparency is in tension with an individual’s privacy, follow this guideline: If the information is about something that happened at work, choose transparency and speak candidly about the incident. If the information is about an employee’s personal life, tell people it’s not your place to share and they can ask the person concerned directly if they choose.

Now release more controls


Netflix innovation cycle:

  1. Farm for dissent or socialise the idea
  2. For the big idea - test it out
  3. As the informed capitain - place your bet.
  4. If it wins - celebrate. If it fails, sunshine it openly.
  • Ask what learning came from the project
  • Don’t make a big deal about it

Reinforce a culture of freedom and responsibility

The Keeper test

If a person on your team were to quit tomorrow, would you try to change their mind? or would you accept their resignation, perhaps with a little relief? if the latter, you should give them a severance package now, and look for a star, someone you would fight to keep.

Max up candor

Circle of feedback Live 360

Eliminate most of controls

Lead with context

Go global

Culture differences across offices in the world.


Likewise, at other moments when making a mistake would lead to disaster, we choose rules and process.